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Storyline:   "The Borrowers (1997)" is a family adventure film that brings to life the classic children's novels by Mary Norton. The Clock family, a tiny race of people known as Borrowers, live in the hidden nooks and crannies of a normal human household, surviving by "borrowing" small items to make their own lives more comfortable. The story centers around a young Borrower named Arrietty Clock. Unlike her cautious parents, Pod and Homily, Arrietty is curious about the world beyond the floorboards and wants to venture into the home's vast unknown spaces. However, her parents fear the dangers of being discovered by the "human beans" who live above.

One day, Arrietty's secret dreams become a reality when she befriends a human boy named Pete who has come to stay in the house. Pete, intrigued by the tiny family, becomes their ally in a race against time to save the Clocks' home from being demolished by an unscrupulous lawyer who plans to turn the property into a modern development. As Arrietty and Pete work together to outsmart the lawyer and his henchmen, they form an unlikely bond between the worlds of big and small. Along the way, the film explores themes of friendship, acceptance, and the importance of understanding those who are different from us. "The Borrowers (1997)" is a heartwarming and visually enchanting film that captures the magic of the miniature world while delivering a timeless message about the strength that comes from unity and cooperation. With its charming characters, imaginative set designs, and a delightful blend of adventure and humor, the movie appeals to audiences of all ages, making it a beloved classic in the realm of family entertainment.
The Borrowers
Year : 1997
IMDB Rating: 6
Director: Peter Hewitt
Top Billing Cast:  John Goodman as Ocious P. Potter Tom Felton as Peagreen Clock Hugh Laurie as Police Officer Steady Jim Broadbent as Pod Clock

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The Borrowers Trivia

  1. The producers proudly declared that this film marked the most significant family production filmed on UK soundstages since the iconic "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang," making it a noteworthy cinematic endeavor.

  2. Each vehicle showcased in the movie is a Morris 1000 Minor, including a specially crafted 'stretched' limousine, adding a unique touch to the automotive lineup.

  3. Steven Spielberg, initially approached to direct, declined due to concerns about the film's excessive gross-out humor, deeming it incompatible with the storyline and citing his busy schedule with "The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997)."

  4. Hugh Laurie and Mark Williams reunited for the second time in their careers, previously starring together in Disney's "101 Dalmatians," showcasing a dynamic on-screen partnership.

  5. Jim Broadbent, Tom Felton, and Mark Williams, cast members in this film, had previously shared the screen in the Harry Potter movies, highlighting their versatile acting skills.

  6. In the original books, Arriety is portrayed as the only child of the Clocks, and Peagreen, featured only in "The Borrowers Avenged," appeared as an adult.

  7. John Goodman opted not to shave his eyebrows for the film, as originally intended, citing concerns about the regrowth timeframe for his sitcom "Roseanne."

  8. Bill Murray, Steve Martin, Christopher Lloyd, and Chevy Chase were all contenders for the role of Ocious P. Potter, reflecting the caliber of actors considered for the part.

  9. Arrietty's captivity is symbolically placed on top of a copy of "Gulliver's Travels," drawing parallels to the theme of small people similar to The Borrowers in the classic tale.

  10. The film's storyline deviates completely from the books, introducing an original narrative absent in the literary works, with neither the Lenders nor Ocious P. Potter present in the source material.

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