The Osterman Weekend HD Movie Download


The Osterman Weekend Yify

Storyline:   This movie is based on the Robert Ludlum novel and follows an investigative news program host who is convinced by the C.I.A. that his friends and associates, whom he has invited for a weekend in the countryside, are involved in a dangerous conspiracy that puts national security at risk.
The Osterman Weekend
Year : 1983
IMDB Rating: 6
Director: Sam Peckinpah
Top Billing Cast:  John Hurt as Lawrence Fassett Rutger Hauer as John Tanner Dennis Hopper as Richard Tremayne Burt Lancaster as Maxwell Danforth

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The Osterman Weekend Trivia

  1. Despite being in ill-health throughout the shoot, Director Sam Peckinpah managed to complete and deliver his initial cut of this movie on time, despite sickness and exhaustion. His drug and alcohol abuse had taken a long-term toll, which suggested to many in the production that he was dying. Peckinpah would take opportune naps during filming, but still pushed through to complete the project.

  2. Several cast members, including Sir John Hurt, Dennis Hopper, and Burt Lancaster, accepted lower salaries to work with legendary Director Sam Peckinpah on this movie.

  3. Director Sam Peckinpah was fired from the project after refusing to re-edit the film upon receiving a confused and mixed reaction from a test audience on May 25, 1983. Producers Peter S. Davis and William N. Panzer took over editing, with the assistance of Editor Edward M. Abroms, and drastically altered the opening and ending sequences.

  4. Despite not liking Robert Ludlum's novel or the screenplay for the movie, Sam Peckinpah accepted the director's job as he was desperate to re-establish his legendary director position within the Hollywood film community. According to the documentary "Alpha to Omega: Exposing 'The Osterman Weekend' (2004)," Peckinpah expressed his dislike for the book but still took on the project.

  5. Craig T. Nelson's mustache in this movie was glued on, and Sam Peckinpah apparently hated it. He would rib Nelson constantly about it during the shoot.

  6. Jason Robards, Jr. claims that Robert Ludlum offered to rewrite the overly complex and confusing script for free, but differences between the producers and Sam Peckinpah prevented this from happening.

  7. The filming location for the house seen in the movie was Robert Taylor's former ranch residence, and no damage, special effects, or action work was meant to be done there. However, the production team proceeded to shoot out windows, conduct a poolside shoot-out, and damage the swimming pool.

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