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Storyline:   Billie, a struggling American addict, travels to Eastern Europe in search of a fresh start and easy money. Known as "Crazy Six" due to his family background and drug addiction, he finds himself in trouble after he and an Arab-French criminal steal plutonium and money from a notorious drug lord, Raul. Desperate to break free from his drug habits, Crazy Six must outrun Raul's wrath while being pursued by the local police with assistance from an American inspector.
Crazy Six
Year : 1997
Genre : Action, Crime
IMDB Rating: 3
Director: Albert Pyun
Top Billing Cast:  Rob Lowe as Billie, a.k.a. Crazy Six Burt Reynolds as Dakota Ivana Milicevic as Anna Ice-T as Raul

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Crazy Six Trivia

  1. The original plan was to film on location in San Francisco, but the production was later moved to Bratislava.

  2. Sadly, the chihuahua had to be euthanized after filming concluded due to an incident where it bit a crew member who then threatened legal action against the production company.

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