The Rats Are Coming! The Werewolves Are Here! HD Movie Download


The Rats Are Coming! The Werewolves Are Here! Yify

Storyline:   The Mooneys are an eccentric English family whom live in a large house in rural England in the early 1900s. The invalid patriarch 'Pa' Mooney (Douglas Phair) is a retired medical doctor who claims to be 199 years old. His eldest daughter, Phoebe (Joan Ogden), more or less cares for him and is head of running the household. His eldest son, Mortimer (Noel Collins), is a businessman whom conducts the finances of the family and contributes to the family income. Younger daughter Monica (Hope Stansbury) is a sadist who keeps live rats as pets and frequently mutilates them and other small animals. Youngest son Malcolm (Berwick Kaler) is a half-wit with animal tendencies in which the family keeps him locked up in a room of the house with live chickens. The family has a secret: they are all werewolves! They are natural born, not made, werewolves whom turn once a month on the night of the full moon and Pa Mooney has been researching for years to find a way to break the family curse. Youngest ...
The Rats Are Coming! The Werewolves Are Here!
Year : 1972
Genre : Horror
IMDB Rating: 3
Director: Andy Milligan
Top Billing Cast: 

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