Witchery HD Movie Download


Witchery Yify

Storyline:   The story centers around a group of people who are stranded on a Massachusetts island, where the only shelter is an old hotel that is rumored to be haunted by the ghost of a former German actress (Knef). The situation leads to a typical horror film scenario, where the characters are gradually picked off one by one by the ghost.
Year : 1988
Genre : Horror
IMDB Rating: 4
Director: Fabrizio Laurenti
Top Billing Cast:  Linda Blair as Jane Brooks David Hasselhoff as Gary Hildegard Knef as Lady In Black

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Witchery Trivia

  1. Joe D'Amato, the producer, initially hired Luigi Cozzi as the director for the movie. Cozzi was involved in pre-production but left the project after realizing that he wasn't allowed to make any changes to the script. D'Amato then replaced him with first-time director Fabrizio Laurenti, while Cozzi went on to direct "Paganini Horror" in 1988.

  2. Fabrizio Laurenti initially wanted to cast Bette Davis as the Lady in Black, who was known for her interest in witchcraft.

  3. This is the only feature film in which Linda Blair portrayed a mother-to-be. Interestingly, the father is never once mentioned or referred to. Blair had previously played a pregnant woman in a guest appearance on the television show "Murder, She Wrote" in the episode "Murder Takes the Bus" from 1985.

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